简单的翻译一下~~Setup the Repository
* Install Ubuntu v8.04. Make sure your EeePC can boot into Ubuntu without the aid of a USB Stick or external CD-ROM drive. (就是把Ubuntu装在我们的eeepc上)
* Setup the Array.org repository. This will add the following line to your APT Sources list. (应该就是加入kernel的更新源)deb http://www.array.org/ubuntu hardy eeepcwget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array-hardy.list
sudo mv -v array-hardy.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
* Install the Array.org repository public key. (这个好像是那个key文件下载)wget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array-apt-key.asc
sudo apt-key add array-apt-key.asc
* Update your local apt cache (呵呵下面这条命令应该很多人都知道吧,更新一下源)sudo apt-get update
Download the EeePC Kernel
* Install the EeePC-optimized kernel. (这个就是下载kernel和安装kernel)sudo apt-get install linux-eeepc
* Reboot. (重启)
* During GRUB's initialization, press ESC to open the boot options menu. The new kernel is labelled "2.6.24-21-eeepc". If it is not at the top of the boot list, scroll down to it and hit enter. (重启以后就可以看到在grub启动菜单中多了一项2.6.24-21-eeepc的选项了~~这个就是新内核了)
Uninstall the Generic Kernel (Optional)
* To remove yourself from Ubuntu's generic kernel updates, run the command: sudo apt-get remove linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic
Note, this will keep the last generic kernel on your device, but any future updates to this generic kernel will be stopped. It's useful to keep this last generic kernel around just incase you encounter an unexpected problem with the eeepc kernel need an "official ubuntu" kernel to fall back to.
* (Not recommended) If you want to remove the last generic kernel as well, run the command: sudo apt-get remove linux-.*-generic
Setup the Repository
* Install Ubuntu v8.10. Make sure your EeePC can boot into Ubuntu without the aid of a USB Stick or external CD-ROM drive.
* Setup the Array.org repository. This will add the following line to your APT Sources list. deb http://www.array.org/ubuntu intrepid eeepcwget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array-intrepid.list
sudo mv -v array-intrepid.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
* Install the Array.org repository public key. wget http://www.array.org/ubuntu/array-apt-key.asc
sudo apt-key add array-apt-key.asc
* Update your local apt cache sudo apt-get update
Download the EeePC Kernel
* Install the EeePC kernel. sudo apt-get install linux-eeepc
Install the EeePC-lean kernel. sudo apt-get install linux-eeepc-lean
* Reboot.
* During GRUB's initialization, press ESC to open the boot options menu. The new kernel is either labelled "2.6.27-8-eeepc" or "2.6.27-8-eeepc-lean" If it is not at the top of the boot list, scroll down to it and hit enter.
Uninstall the Generic Kernel (Optional)
* To remove yourself from Ubuntu's generic kernel updates, run the command: sudo apt-get remove linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic
Note, this will keep the last generic kernel on your device, but any future updates to this generic kernel will be stopped. It's useful to keep this last generic kernel around just incase you encounter an unexpected problem with the eeepc kernel need an "official ubuntu" kernel to fall back to.
* (Not recommended) If you want to remove the last generic kernel as well, run the command: sudo apt-get remove linux-.*-generic